Albrecht A. Beck

Director, Prepared International, Samerberg, Germany

Albrecht A. Beck

Director, Prepared International, Samerberg, Germany


Albrecht is the Managing Director of Prepared International (PPI) focusing on emergency preparedness and resilience building.

Next to this, Albrecht is the Head of the Competence Center for Disaster Risk Diplomacy in Vienna which concentrates on conflict-sensitive Disaster Risk Reduction. In this role, he had been establishing and heading the “Professional Dialogue”, the cooperation on life-saving between Israel, Jordan and Palestine. Previously, Albrecht had been leading the field of Mass Evacuations in the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and had been working for UN-OCHA and UN-DPKO. He is a member of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team and been in leading positions in numerous mass disaster responses like Nepal Earthquake and Balkan Floods.

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